Sunday, August 9, 2009


There were a ton of birthday's in July and August brought yet more birthdays to celebrate. August 5th was my nephew Cole's 4th birthday and the 6th was Trevor's best friends sister's. Friday we went out to dinner at Aqua, a Malaysian and Thai restaurant. I try to avoid this restaurant as much as possible because I have a nut allergy and Thai food uses peanuts in a lot of their dishes but Trevor's friends love it there. Everyone was going out afterwards but I was feeling pretty terrible so we decided to just head home. My Mom had Ava for the night so I figured I would go right to bed when we got home but that of course did not happen. I spent the next couple hours working on the wedding invitations some more until I finally went to bed at 2 am.

The next morning, I had to get up early to pick up Ava because my Mom told me several hundred times that she had a lot to do on Saturday. Of course, Ava went to bed right on time at 9 pm for my Mom (lately, this rarely happens at home). When I got home, I had major cleaning to do. I may have mentioned it before but we live in a one bedroom apartment until January when we're buying a house. Living in a one bedroom with a baby is not an easy thing to do - there's stuff everywhere with hardly any room to put anything away. The apartment always looks super cluttered and it makes me insane.

Another unfortunate side of apartment living is workers having to come in and out at the complex's convenience. Our apartment was scheduled on Saturday to have all of the electrical switches and outlets replaced. I assumed it was 1 guy doing the job so I figured I would have time to clean up the last little bit in the bedroom before he made it in there. When the doorbell rang, I opened the door to find 4 guys standing on the other side and they came in and swarmed the friggin place...awesome. When all was said and done, Ava's changing table and our bed were in the middle of the floor and there was the plastic coating to wires all over. Anyone who has babies will know the they love to put anything they can get their hands on in their mouths. Ava has reached this stage and I constantly find her sitting on the floor chewing on something. So far the plastic wire coating hasn't made it into her mouth (that I've seen) but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.

Anyway - Trevor and I have partial season tickets to the Phillies and we had a game Saturday night. I decided to stay home because I had a lot to do and also because I knew the game would run past Ava's bedtime and we didn't have a babysitter so I told Trevor to take someone else to the game with him. The plan was to get to work as soon as Ava passed out and all was going well until 20 minutes after I put her in her crib...she woke up. Needless to say I got absolutely nothing done except some laundry because Ava refused to go back to sleep until Trevor got home around 11:30 and even then she kept waking up...not fun especially since we had to get up early Sunday morning to go to church. Now, neither one of us are religious and do not attend church but this was a special occasion. Our niece was baptised today so we obviously needed to be there. The baptism was fairly quick and then afterwards, we went to my brother and sister-in-laws house for the Baptism/Birthday party. My niece Bella and nephew Cole are brother and sister so they just had a combined party to make it easy. The rain came but it went by pretty quickly and the sun came out but it was horribly humid. For most of the day, Ava hung out with my Mom because she would cry if anyone else, including me and Trevor, took her away. Trevor's stay at the party was short lived because he had to get home to play a tournament so he said his goodbyes and off he went. I hung around for a while and then a bad storm came rolling in when I was about to leave so I had to stay way longer than expected. The birthday party had ended by that time and only a few people remained - so it of course was time for the adult party to begin so they all played beer pong. Miss Ava was a super tired little baby because she didn't sleep well last night and didn't take a nap at all so we got ready and said our goodbyes and off we went. She passed right out when we got home but has just woken up as I'm typing this...sigh. This weekend went by fast with nothing too exciting to report but it was fun. I must go rock the child back to sleep now.

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