Trevor and I met 7 years ago through a mutual friend. Back then, we were totally different people and a relationship would not have worked but he did make it a point to tell me that I had a crush on him every time I saw him. We were friends but would eventually lose touch for a while until December 2005 when I was hanging out with the same mutual friend as before at a bar and she told me that Trevor was going to be coming up. Admittedly, I was kind of excited and we ended up talking the whole time we were there. But that's where it ended because I had a boyfriend at the time. Eventually, I broke up with the guy because he was 100% wrong for me and by that time, Trevor and I were super close. It was inevitable that we would be together after that.
During the time that we lost touch, I went through some terrible relationships. I know I have no one to blame but myself for staying involved but I will say this - no one understands what it's like unless they've been through it. I was always one for telling people how ridiculous they were for staying with someone who treated them bad and then I went through it myself. It is an unexplainable thing, but it's almost like the person has you hypnotized and you can't break out of it - it's crazy. Eventually, I listened to my head because I knew I shouldn't be with them and it worked out for the best.
Today, I am beyond greatful for everything I have. Saying yes to Trevor started a chain of the most amazing events to take place in my life. I graduated from Drexel University during the start of our relationship and then got a job at the Borgata as a cocktail waitress, moved into our own amazing apartment 5 minutes away from work and 1 block from the beach, got engaged, got a good job using my degree, found out I was pregnant so I moved to a different job much closer to home, moved into our current apartment, got laid off at 8 months pregnant :( and had Ava. Before Trevor, the only major accomplishments I had was graduating high school and getting accepted to Drexel. I will say though, that I used to be super independent and practically took care of the boyfriends I had because they couldn't do it themselves. They didn't have jobs and if they did they didn't make much money and had no motivation in life (I'll give one credit for having money and motivation but the other 2, not so much). I went from being super independent to now where Trevor and I rarely seperate and I wouldn't have it any other way.
It may sound strange but I am thankful for going through all the ridiculousness I did. It's funny how things work out but I'm sure I would not fully understand how lucky I am had I not had those bad experiences. I'm marrying an incredible person and we have the most amazing little daughter in the world. Because of this, I would be happy even if we lived in a cardboard box because everything I need is in them. Trevor has shown me how perfect life can be and there's not a day that goes by that I don't stop and think about how remarkable my life has turned out. With that said - thank you Trevor - for my unbelievable birthday gift and also for rescuing me. Thank you for making my dreams come true. You are and always will be my one and only.
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