A little background first -
Trevor and I moved into the apartment we live in March 29, 2008 (I know the exact date because it's my sister-in-law's birthday). We live in my hometown where I've lived my whole life in a quiet apartment complex one street over from my childhood house. When we moved in, the parking policy was that the spots were first come first serve with NO assigned parking and no mention of how many cars per household. Fast forward to about 6 months ago, we get a letter in our mailbox (that was delivered to the entire building) saying that we can have one car per apartment and extra cars would have to park in front of "S"building. Now just so you understand the ridiculousness of this, "S" building is across the street and down an entire building and these buildings are LONG and we live at the far opposite end of the beginning of "S" building. We only get these letters when someone complains about whatever the issue is so obviously someone complained but we figured it was the other end of the building since there's always plenty of spots out front. All of our neighbors live alone and the lady downstairs doesn't drive therefore needs no parking spot.
So today, I was helping the woman that lives below us (we'll call her Melissa - Trevor chose it) get her wireless connection to work (I have a BS in Information Systems) and we talked for a while. During our conversation, she brought up a lady that lives in the building across from us and how she's a drunken nut who comes to visit her sometimes when she's hammered. She said that the drunkard (we'll call her Denise - Drunken Denise) comes in to her apartment around 11 P.M. sometimes and talks so loudly that she's practically screaming. Melissa said that she told Denise to have a little respect because a baby lives upstairs. Denise (who I've seen maybe 3 times and who Trevor has no idea who I'm talking about because he's seen her that much) decides to rant to Melissa about how we have people in and out of here all the time with our "poker parties" and "pot parties."
This is completely laughable for 2 reasons: 1) We live in a one bedroom apartment with just about zero space and recently gave away our kitchen table because we don't use it and it took up too much room and 2) Anyone who knows me at least a little knows that I absolutely LOATHE drugs in general and have never smoked so much as a cigarette in my life and would not be marrying someone who did (and please no one say anything about alcohol being a drug, I know I know blah blah blah I get it but you all know what I mean :)). So apparently, this woman who we've never even spoken to knows all about our life.
Obviously, we always have "pot parties" with our 10.5 month old baby sleeping in the next room. Actually she usually joins in on the fun with us - she's a great poker player and can definitely handle her weed. The woman is a NUT and has nothing better to do other than make up crazy stories about the people who live around her because she's a drunk with nothing better to do. She also claims we park in front of her apartment all of the time and was the one to complain which caused the letter to be sent out. We have parked on that side maybe 4 times ever.
Typically, we don't spend much time at home because we always have something to do whether it's visiting family or traveling so only one car is parked here anyway and often enough, no cars are here because we're out in seperate cars. At this point, I'd really like to park both cars in front of her apartment next time we plan to fly somewhere so they sit there for the length of our stay. She's insane and so are a lot of people which is why I say I hate people. Does anyone have anything better to do? Get a liiiiiiiiiiiiife!
So anyway today was pretty low-key. Trevor's Mom and 2 sisters came over to visit and then we went to Chili's with one of his sisters, Trinna, for lunch. Then it was off to Target to get Ava a new car seat since she's too big for her old one now and some other things and then to Trevor's mom's house to fix her laptop. Then back home to relax and drink so we can meet up with Denise later on and share made up stories. I got a bath ready for Ava but realized the water was too hot so I held her until I got it right. In the meantime, Ava decided it was the perfect time to pee soaking my white shorts down the left side. I'm pretty sure this was just karma because she's done it to Trevor countless times and I always laugh at him.
A quick story from last night -
I woke up in the middle of the night and had absolutely no idea where I was. I could not for the life of me get my barings and finally realized I was at home but then when I tried to walk to the bathroom I walked into a hamper and couldn't figure out where the bathroom was. I had my hand on a door but had no idea where it led (it turned out to be the closet door). Finally I found my way but it took a while (refer to earlier in the post when I mentioned how small my apartment is - the bathroom is not hard to find) Just goes to show how long it's been since I slept in my own bed.
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